Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tracking the Right Brain- Part 3

So, a few weeks ago my son asked, "Dad?  How come you have never made a painting about gum?"  He is used to the way my brain works.  He knows that I pay very close attention to colors and textures, especially for seemingly insignificant items from daily life.  And gum is a part of daily life for my family.  We are pretty addicted, and not just the kids.  My wife and I are also known to carry around packs of our favorite flavors, ready to freshen up coffee breath, or roast beef breath, or whatever.  Mind you, this is sugar free stuff, fine for the teeth, but sweetened with mystery chemicals that might be hazardous to our health .  Anyway, I stashed my sons question away somewhere in my left brain and retrieved it just recently.  I have already described my interest in the cyclical nature of popular music and it's ability to be refreshed and repackaged, even when it has grown stylishly funky (The Beatles).  So, Naturally I  have linked this interest with my own gum consumption- refreshing the outdated and funky.  Of course, word play did play a part (as it often does) when linking disparate items like Extra sugar free gum and The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour: pop, saccharin, sweet, bold, long lasting.  But even ideas like rich flavor contrasting with concepts like "no nutritional value" are interesting to me.  But the mental images and palettes that have been mixing in my head the most recently are the contemporary, neon, pastel but artificial colors of Extra sugar free gum and the funky 1967 color schemes of The Beatles' album and film.  That, and the idea of a magical mystery tour that only takes place in your mouth.

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